
Validated SDLC Approach

We provide core software development services using a validated SDLC-based approach to cater to regulated systems and application development. Development of our QUICKTM and eMedicalwareTM suite of products for content, medical knowledge management and decision-making involved adapting stringent processes revolving around proven, classic software development methodologies such as Waterfall and modified V models tailored for a regulated environment. The core methodologies can be tailored to fit systems validation approaches followed by individual business units.



Apart from choosing the right technology and product for your business integration needs, meeting compliance requirements in a regulated environment is critical. Starting with the classical analysis of your current business requirements, our analysts define and document your requirements and any customized business integration practices.


A vision definition from a systems point of view begins to evolve with active involvement of the champions of your system, key integration partners and most importantly, your user requirements. We make an earnest attempt to understand your current business processes and user requirements. This enables the project team

to identify any required business process reengineering efforts for your new IT solution. With a good understanding of your defined and/or reengineered business processes and user requirements, a formal functional requirements document is generated.

At this juncture, working with prototypes for key processes, the convergence of business expectations and IT is rigorously visited. A vision redefinition is addressed at this point if needed.


This process typically leads to minor changes. Next, we proceed to develop a formaltechnical architecture, systems andtechnical design specification documents. At this juncture, we also evaluate all proposed IT components compliance with regulations such as CFR-Part 11.

Having signed off on all formal documents, we begin the systems development and implementation phase accompanied by unit and systems testing. Our rapid delivery onsite-offshore model is very attractive, meets customers goals and more than justifies a return on investment. After systems development and a formal user acceptance testing, a system deployment plan is developed and implemented with your business, IT and infrastructure team.